As I was sitting in front of my sewing machine wondering what I could work on in this hot weather, I decided to challenge myself to use only what was within arm's reach- very fitting since I'm still hobbling around the house because of my leg. So using only stuff that was flying around my sewing table or fabric scraps found on the floor, I made this little thing. It's neither here nor there as far as format goes, because it's too little to be a postcard and not the right size for an ATC because it's 4 x 2 5/8 inches big. Since I had my alphabet rubber stamps and ink pad on hand, I stamped out the word "seek", as a reminder that sometimes you really don't have to look very far.
My little boy with the over active imagination said that to him it looked like an icy landscape with a tiny treasure at the edge of a semi frozen lake, and an that there was an aurora borealis in the sky over the barren tree. Wow :o)