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June 21, 2006



I feel for you. I missed the challenge for the bags in QA.
Maybe we'll get lucky and Marie Claire and QA will have a re-run of their challenges.


I wanted to participate, too, but just let it go. Alas. But I am excited that the show will be in October--I will be in France!

Did I tell you where I will be? It is place called Dôle, in Franche-Comté. It's about 40 minutes by train from Besançon, and 2 hours from Paris. :)


Such a cheerful pillow! Could be great present! Thanks for sharing!

quilting diva laura

the pillow is truly adorable! is that wool felt applique?


You are sooo lucky you get that mag, and so lucky you can read it! I have a few, and always go in search of them at Barnes and Nobles when I feel it is time for them to arrive ;)

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