I mentioned productivity in my last post. Here is one way I found to increase my sewing and crafting productivity: move the computer away from the sewing machine. This was not pre-meditated, but an accidental discovery! We moved the computer totally out of my sewing/bricolage area and thanks to Ikea it now has it's own desk of sorts. It's all downstairs now- and I'm no longer tempted to "check my e-mail real quick (yeah, sure)" before I start working on a project. This must be a little like people not having a TV and reading more... TV is not my problem though, because I rarely watch it- but when I do I'm usually stitching something at the same time. Nope, no tv problem here just an iMac problem, because man when I get on this computer, it's all over. 2 other good things about having the computer downstairs:
- I have more space for the sewing and craft stuff
- Other people (like my dear daughter in this photo) are tempted to use it more often, so if I can't have my iMac I go for the next best thing: my Viking.
I know how you feel. As I do all my crafting downstairs where the PC is I get side tracked by this machine so often. But hopefully ones I get my craftroom upstairs I will get more done.
Posted by: Silvia | April 27, 2006 at 05:44 AM
Wish I could get the computer out of my room. There are issues with my being tempted to look at Ebay or that Print and Pattern blog. But the real problem is when I want to sew and hubby is on the computer. He doesn't like the noise. Maybe a set of earmuffs...hahaha. What kind of Viking do you have? I have the 1+. It's the predicessor to the Designer series. Would love one of those. But to spend that kind of money would require it to wash windows, do dishes, take me to appointments...etc.
Posted by: Michele | April 27, 2006 at 03:20 PM
Do you know anyone who uses a Mac with the embroidery box for the Viking Husavanya sewing machines?
Posted by: michelle | March 12, 2007 at 09:04 PM