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February 02, 2006



How wonderful it got to be with someone to appreciate it!

Sonji Hunt

Do you find it difficult to cut into the unused stash of vintage lace, either because it has been untouched for so long or because it belonged to Fabienne? I used to have a difficult time with such things until I thought that if I didn't use it now, there is absolutely no one else in my tiny family who would want it and it would get tossed. Hence, I've been able to utilize my Mom's, Grandmother's and Great Aunt's material.


Wow, what a find. It's amazing how what is treasure to one is nothing to another. I was in a thrift store the other day that had just changed hands, and I gasped when I walked in, because gone was the wall of fabric, the notions, and the patterns. I said, "ah! What happened to all the patterns?". She said, "oh, they're in a box in the back...I didn't know what to do with them." Uh, maybe someone might want to buy them. How bizarre.


You may want to research the company that put its tag on the lace. If your Grand-mother in-law was 102 it's my bet that she was in her early twenties in the twenties. This is the type of patterns and laces that popped up then. No more hand-made. That was old-fashioned. I have stuff like this in my "collection" as well, and yes, I have a devil of a time cutting it up. It has survived this know the thought.
And I love her name...Fabienne. Artistic and floral, but adventurous and graceful...wonderful! Your're very lucky to have had her touch your world. Did she influence your art in anyway? Treasure those pieces.

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