Well, the weekend is almost over and turned out to be kind of busy. I've planned some time for sewing and crafting later on though!
Let's see... yesterday we went to this museum to see the Pharoah exhibit that people have been lining up for ever since it opened. The expo ends soon, so we decided to go and thankfully there were no long lines. I don't get it though... The expo was very nice, but not worth all the hype or waiting an hour in line. No picture taking allowed either, unless you ask for permission which explains why I'm not posting a photo or two. The only thing I did take a picture of was the inside of the huge shop across from the museum. I thought this piece of furniture was awesome, and the wall hanging next to it is actually a big appliqued quilt! From far away I thought it was woven or printed because it's so intricate.
On the way home we passed through my old neighborhood in the 13th quarter, also known as Chinatown here, to stock up on some goodies. My son is very fond of little banana cakes sold in many of the shops, but I think they're Vietnamese or Thai.
Hey and look what I found near the almond cookies- these little green tea flavored marshamallows from Japan! I only hesitated for a nano-second ("2 and a half Euros...? oh well!"). They turned out to be yummy, but I'm totally intrigued by these instructions I found on the back of the package.
Am I supposed to add water or something and put these in the microwave or what?? I wonder...
That was Saturday anyway, and half of Sunday was spent taking my son to see the latest Starwars movie. I hate waiting in lines, epecially movie lines, but it was worth it. Still this was nothing compared to the huge lines I remember seeing on Hollywood blvd. in the 70's when the 1st Starwars came out! That one is on TV tomorrow, so at least my son won't be confused now that he's seen all the prequels.